Hi! In this article, we are going to discuss about TollroadsinVirginia website in detail. Www.tollroadsinvirgina.com is its official web address and it is a one-stop place, where we can get complete information regarding Virginia’s toll roads, bridges, tunnels, and Lanes. Also, if we have a missed toll or pending violation payments, they can be paid online using Tollroadsinvirginia.
What is “Missed-a-toll”?
In Virginia, we can find toll roads in Northern Virginia, Richmond and Hampton Roads. If we travel through these toll facilities without an E-zpass, our vehicle license plate will be pictured and we will receive an invoice or toll statement from the toll facilities. Missed-a-toll” is a process, where we can pay for the toll facility before receiving the notices or the invoices.
How do I find a Missed toll and pay for it using www.tollroadsinvirginia.com?
We have a facility to find and pay for a missed toll using Tollroadsinviriginia. All we have to do is visit the link https://www.tollroadsinvirginia.com/MissedToll/FindFacility . Here we have to make use of the map and the form available on the page to locate the road, we travelled and check whether we can pay for the missed toll.
After visiting the https://www.tollroadsinvirginia.com/MissedToll/FindMissedToll/ , we can see a form to be filled to find out our trips. First, we need to enter our License plate number and state of car used. Then we need to enter the start date and end date of our trip and finally click on the “Find your Trips” button. If our trip details are available on the database, we can find the instructions to pay for the toll facility.
If we don’t want to receive a notice from the toll facility, we need to pay for the missed toll charges within 6 days of traveling through that particle route.
Tollroadsinvirginia.com accepts missed a toll and violation payments only for the below listed toll facilities:
- Dulles Toll Road
- Coleman Bridge
- Powhite Parkway Extension
- The Richmond Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (RMTA) Open Road Toll lanes
- Interstate 66 Express Lanes Inside the Beltway
- Interstate 64 Express Lanes
Customers support number for Tollroadsinvirginia is 1- 888-860-9361 and is operative from Monday to Friday 7AM-7PM
To dispute or appeal for a violation, we need to contact the issuing toll facility.
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